Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a new year! Can you believe it!?

So my life is so insane that if I told you all about it I bet that no one would believe me! I cannot go into detail here as I don't feel I have the right to tell about other people's lives (and there are so many involved, sigh).

Today I worked for six hours. I sat in a truck and played PSP while talking to a guy who is named Chicken Bone by his peers. Being that I play video games and do little else we did not have much to talk about. So it was a little awkward.

Then I had my sister pick me up after the terrible news that our Storm Work was over (boo). So we went back to her house and we began watching Julie & Julia. Halfway through her husband came home and we decided we needed to get dinner. We discussed all manner of things, but my favorite was the idea that we should collaborate and write a book. I just think it would be exciting.

So we went to Shop Rite and we were very excited by the Can Can Sale. 12 Packs of Coke Products are only 5 for 10$!!! We couldn't believe that. Then we spent about half the time there picking out ice cream. It's amazing how the cartons have shrunk so much and the price is so high! Where are my 1.99 2Qt tubs!?!?

The second half of the movie was even better when we got home. Though the ending was very ambiguous. Except that apparently Julie wrote a book about her blog. Then a movie was made out of it. We were shocked right out of our panties!

Yeah, so here I am writing a blog about a movie in which a woman wrote a blog and then became successful. But that won't happen to me... Oh well.

P.S. Today while we were eating at Applebees I decided that my next boyfriend has to have red hair, want kids and only like real Christmas trees. Yeah I am crazy.

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